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UJTT Team League

This is the new Junior Team League in the Bay Area! Sign up to compete and gain more experience!

Ages 10 – 17

USATT Tournament Rating 1,000+

Registration is closed for the season.

2024 UJTT League

 The UJTT League draft on March 30th.

Training starts April 13th, season starts April 20th!


UJTT Team League is open to players ages 10-17. Players must have a rating of above 1000. Players with rating below 1000 can be enlisted as free agents or as backup players.

Playing Format

All participating teams will be facing off against each other on Saturday and/or Sunday evening 5-8 pm.

Each head-to-head match will be worth 21 points with each point contributing to overall team standings.

  • Number of Teams : 8
  • Players in each team :4
  • Age: 10-17
  • Gender: min. 1-2 of same gender
  • Rating: Min. 1000
  • Match- 4 singles, 1 Doubles AB/CD, Deduce in all game except golden game which is a race to 21 pts, 2 serves for each players.
  • Golden game starts at 0-0 to ensure a team is not penalized twice
  • 1 TO per match/ 1 TO golden game
  • In Singles, advantage pts shall be awarded to the player with much lower ratings in a mismatch i.e. player(s) with rating >200-399 than opponent will yield a 2pts head start to opponent and >400 a 4 pts head-start to opponents
  • USATT rating will not be impacted
  • Monthly competition : 1 match per month
  • Monthly team training : Once per match at 888 Burlingame 5 pm – 7pm

Dates and time

2024 UJTT Team League Draft will be on Saturday, March 30th.

Season starts Saturday, April 13th (training session). Saturday, April 20th is first match play.

Monthly competition: 1 match per month, league play starts at 5:00pm.

Monthly team training: Team training will be conducted at 888 TTC, Burlingame, 5:00pm to 7:30pm a week before the actual game. All players in this league will train at the same time but breakout into individual team for specific trainings as deemed appropriate by the team coach after warm-up.


Dates Events Time Venue
13-Apr Training 5:00-7.30pm 888 TTC Burlingame
20-Apr Match 5:00-7.30pm 888 TTC Burlingame
4-May Training 5:00-7.30pm 888 TTC Burlingame
11-May Match 5:00-7.30pm Micro Motion TTC
1-Jun Training 5:00-7.30pm 888 TTC Burlingame
8-Jun Match 5:00-7.30pm Table Tennis America
15-Jun Post Season 5:00-7.30pm 888 TTC Burlingame

Entry and Fees

Sign-up fee: $19 (Note: this non-refundable commitment fee will be charged at sign-up, this fee will count towards league administration fee if selected during draft. This fee will not be refundable for undrafted players).

*Spring Season limited to 8 teams @ 4 players/team.

Player dues per season: $430/player


  • Training, 2.5 hours
  • Match Play
  • Customized Jersey
  • Team & League Administrative Dues

How to Enter

Interested players who meet the requirements, as outlined on the UJTT Match Format page, will sign up on Omnipong under UJTT Team League – 888 TTC

Draft will commence on March 30th through which the assigned coach for each team will select players from the pool in a Snake Format.

Players who are not selected during draft will be eligible for selection as free agent should backup players are required.

Season-Long Points System

Each head-to-head match will be worth 21 points with each point contributing to overall team standings.

Prizes and Awards
At the end of the season.

Matches Schedule

Group 1
Team Coach USATT
Bay Area Table Tennis Wei Wang 7942
Lightning Bolts Yiwei Liu 7658
Table Tennis Titans Yue Li 7524
California Aces Alex Gomes 6347


Group 2
Team Coach USATT
Table Tennis Warriors Pu Zheng 7934
Table Tennis Dreams Wang Zhe 7914
Xpinners Zhou Xin 6873
Royal Racketeers Tyrese 6683


Match 20-Apr-24
1 Bay Area Table Tennis VS California Aces
2 Lightning Bolts VS Table Tennis Titans
3 Table Tennis Warriors VS Royal Racketeers
4 Table Tennis Dreams VS Xpinners
Venue 888 TTC Burlingame


Match 11-May-24
1 Bay Area Table Tennis VS Table Tennis Titans
2 Lightning Bolts  VS California Aces
3 Table Tennis Warriors VS Xpinners
4 Table Tennis Dreams VS Royal Racketeers
Venue Micro Motion TTC


Match 8-Jun-24
1 Bay Area Table Tennis VS Ligthning Bolts
2 Table Tennis Titans VS California Aces
3 Table Tennis Warriors VS Table Tennis Dreams
4 Xpinners VS Royal Racketeers
Venue TTA


Match 15-Jun-24
1 Winner of Group 1 VS Winner of Group 2
2 2nd of Group 1 VS 2nd of Group 2
3 3rd of Group 1  VS 3rd of Group 2
4 4th of Group 1  VS 4th of Group 2
Venue 888 TTC Burlingame

Table Tennis Warriors

Coach – Pu Zheng

Player Name USATT Rating
1 He, Xianliang 2162
2 Yang, Sarah 1922
3 Seetharaman, Sumedh 2018
4 Chen, Alice 1832
Total 7934

Bay Area Table Tennis

Coach – Wei Wang

Player Name USATT Rating
1 Lo, Austin 2200
2 Desai, Tanvi 2080
3 Huang, Danica 2004
4 Su, Ethan 1658
Total 7942

Royal Racketeers 

Coach – Tu

Player Name USATT Rating
1 Lo, Benjamin 2146
2 Qin, Stephanie 1819
3 Zhang, Ziyi Ilenia 1362
4 Liebling, Joshua 1356
Sub Yao, Wesley 1000
Total 6683

Table Tennis Dreams

Coach – Zhe Wang

Player Name USATT Rating
1 Chen, Sophia 2090
2 Wang, Ethan 1993
3 Hiremani, Shloak 2046
4 Ho, Titus 1785
Sub Leung, Owen 1398
Total 7914

California Aces

Coach – Alex Gomes

Player Name USATT Rating
1 Wang, Collin 1980
2 Li, Alexander 1593
3 Chan, Eliana 1503
4 Liebling, Alexander 1271
Sub Yang, Max 1268
Total 6347

Lightning Bolts

Coach – Yiwei Liu

Player Name USATT Rating
1 Desai, Aarav 2072
2 Zhou, Ethan 2042
3 Nandhakumar, Shakthi 1868
4 Jin, William 1676
Sub Banala, Pradyun 1626
Total 7658

Table tennis Titans

Coach – Yue Li

Player Name USATT Rating
1 Sun, Lucia 2042
2 Luo, Isabella 2036
3 Li, Conroy 1834
4 Taneja, Vihaan 1612
Sub Hui, Randy 1342
Total 7524


Coach – Zhou Xin

Player Name USATT Rating
1 Zhang, Aiden 1854
2 Beniwal, Ahan 1940
3 Ong, Aubrey 1309
4 Ho, Daniel 1770
Sub Zhang, Ziqi Calista 1090
Total 6873