Calling all Dads! We are excited to launch our annual Dad’s Club Ping Pong Tournament! Have some beer, eat some pizza and join the fierce competition!
Dad's Club Tournament
Dad's Club Annual Ping Pong Tournament
Time to compete in the first annual Dad’s Club Ping Pong Tournament at our new local Olympic training ground! Pizza, beer and some fierce competition will be had.
Dreams will be crushed, lines will be drawn and one group of dads will reign supreme! Prizes will be plentiful and the bragging rights will linger the next battle!
Get your team together, give yourselves a name and arrange your matching gear! We will see you there!
ENTTRY DETAILS: Teams consist of 4-6 players. All tickets include pizza, two drink tickets & some swag. Additional snacks & beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) will be available on site. Spectator tickets are available per person.